Join Us This Election Year

There are a number of ways to get involved and show your support in Delaware County. Please review the opportunities below and consider helping out. Thank you!

Precinct Election Officials

If you are interested in becoming a precinct election official, please contact our staffing coordinators.

Staffing Coordinators:

Ali M. Solove (R)
Poll Worker Coordinator
(740) 833-2085

Molly Meyers (D)
Poll Worker Coordinator
(740) 833-2983

Attorneys can receive CLE credits and Social Workers can receive CEU credits for serving as poll workers. Please reach out to Molly Meyers above to inquire.


Field Tech/Rover Information

If you are interested in becoming a field technician, please complete the application form and return it to our office.

Apply Now


Poll Worker FAQs

Q: Are there age requirements to be a poll worker?

A:  You need to be at least 18 years old, though students in high school who are 17 years old may work as a Student Election Official.


Q:  Will I be paid to be a poll worker?

A:  Yes! Most poll workers earn about $200 depending on the position they work.


Q: Do I need to be a US citizen?

A:  Yes, you must be a US citizen to work the polls and be paid by Delaware County.


Q:   Can I just work a shift, or do I have to work all day?

A: To preserve the chain of custody on all equipment and supplies, the Delaware County Board of Elections does not offer shifts or half days. Election Day starts at 5:30 AM and lasts until about 8:30 PM, though you do receive an hour lunch break and other breaks throughout the day.


Q:  Will I be standing all day?

A:  There are both standing and seated jobs. We encourage our Voting Location Managers to allow their poll workers to shuffle around to various jobs throughout the day to stretch their legs and keep their minds fresh!


Q: Will there be food?

A: Many polling locations arrange a potluck, some provide food, and some encourage you to bring your own food for the day. We’ll let you know prior to Election Day what the eating arrangements are for your location.


Q:  Can I leave during my lunch break to let my dog out?

A: Yes, of course! We know it’s a long day and understand you may need to take care of things at home.


Q:  Will I work at my home polling location?

A:  We do our best to place you at your home polling location or close to it. However, as the election gets closer and spots fill up, you may be asked to travel to a location where we really need poll workers. If that’s the case, you will be reimbursed for mileage. Flexibility is greatly appreciated!


Q:  Why am I asked to associate with a major political party on Election Day?

A:  We ask you to represent one of the two major parties on Election Day to ensure we have equal representation for both sides. This ensures fairness and offers checks and balances in the electoral process. However, no political attire or talk is allowed on Election Day. We’re all just friends and neighbors administering an election!


Q:  What happens after I fill out the online application?

A:  One of our poll worker coordinators (Ali or Molly) will contact you via phone or email to discuss the next steps. You can also give them a call!


Q:  Why do I have to attend training if I went to a training for the last Election?

A: There may be legal or procedural updates you need to know about, and it’s easy to forget minor (but important) details from election to election. This is a very important job; most people need to be refreshed, so Delaware County requires ALL poll workers to train before each election.


Q:  When will I be paid?

A:  Training, Election Day, and any extras are all paid together.  You will receive a check in the mail about 3 weeks after the election. We have over 1,000 poll workers to process in a very short timeframe, so we ask for your patience, but we try to get you paid as quickly as possible.


Ready to sign up to serve your community? Reach out to us!